
CALTROPe – the green lace

kísérleti bioépítészeti struktúra | 2013
CALTROPe won Jacques Rougerie Foundation's innovative architecture competition in Category "Architecture; Sea Level Rise". Its modular system offers an organic and nature-oriented answer to the challenges evoked by sea level rise and land loss.

CALTROPe won Jacques Rougerie Foundation's innovative architecture competition in Category "Architecture; Sea Level Rise".

The units are made of a blend containing local materials as well. They are installed in several steps in a way that the ensemble can follow natural shore evolutions and help the endangered areas adapt to new conditions by capturing sediment and forming a dam. Mangrove saplings are .planted in this lace-like dam system. While growing, the trees integrate into the structure and create an efficient defense line.

Concept: Gergő Balázs - Biologist, diver, Anna Baróthy - Designer, project leader, Janka Csernák – Designer, Dániel Csomor - Architect, Viktor Grónás PhD - Associate Professor at Szent Istvan University, Agricultural Environmental Management Engineer, diver, Péter Kovacsics - Graphic and motion designer, Viktor Pucsek - Designer, 3D designer, Péter Vető - Designer, 3D designer | Co-workers: Melinda Bozsó - Designer, Kata Kerekes - Graphic designer, Vera Krauth - Architect student, Ábel Kurta - Industrial designer student, Nóra Lajkó - Painter student, Veronika Szabó - Industrial designer student | Special thanks: Prof. János Józsa - Head of the Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Department of BME University, Zsuzsanna Bodóné Hofecker -Translator, Petra Aporfi - Translator


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