
szitafestéssel ellátott kétrétegű üveghomlokzat és üvegtető | Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem, Ligeti György Épület Budapest 2011
MOIRÉ_CMYK is a facade pattern that relates to the spirit of the Music Academy through the visualization of sound waves, meanwhile, shades the huge surface of the glass wall. The moiré pattern (interference) is a physical phenomenon generated by the encounter of two coherent waves that have different sources. The phenomenon is due to the combination of the two structures. The dynamically changing appearance of the pattern depends on the changing perspective of the viewer. The interference phenomenon of waves can be observed in the case of sound and visual waves, too – the appearance of secondary colors can be seen similarly to overtones in sound. Our aim was to create a visual formula, which recalls the image of a repetitive melody through its simplicity and sophistication.

Design: Anna Baróthy, Csenge Kolozsvári, Melinda Bozsó / S39, Zsuzsanna Koródi | Co-designers: Zarf Design, Architecture: István Mányi, Attila Gáti, Gábor Kardos / Mányi Studio, Assistance, Nóra Lajkó, Dávid Bánsági | Production: Rákosy Glass Llc.

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