
környezetreagens,kinetikus üveghomlokzat és világító rendszer | Lánchíd 19 Design Hotel, Budapest 2007
The innovative design solution of Nextlab and S39 has been carried out on the Danube-facing external wall of Lánchíd 19 Design Hotel in Budapest. The 200 square meter glass façade consists of separate lamellas, which are not static pieces - by day, ripple in accordance with the direction and power of the wind and, by night, use a LED lighting apparatus to reveal a huge picture spanning the surface. The fluctuation of LED lights and the waving behavior of the facade itself respond to the waves on the river Danube. The main function of the glass surface is the “enjoyable shading”. It means not only hiding room-guests and preventing them from morning sunlight but giving a face to the hotel and visual pleasure to people who are in or outside.

Designers of S39: Anna Baróthy, Melinda Bozsó, Krisztián Kelner / concept and detailed plan, Richárd Orosz / graphic design, Olívia Fábry / silk-screen printing design, Szabolcs Antal / photography, Attila Szpevár / visualization, Andrea Bernscherer / assistant graphic designer | Co-designer: Péter Szakál, Tamás Szakál, Ádám Siklósi, Zoltán Pallagi / concept, program operation of moving and light, meteo-sensors / Nextlab | Architecture: Péter Sugár,  László Benczúr jr., Professional developement partners: Hidromatic Ltd. / automatic technology, moving construction, Mes Ltd. / light technology, András Reith / glass construction | Producing of glass panels:  Rákosy Glass Ltd., Assistants: Máté Bozsó, Dóra Baróthy, Erika Varga, Evelin Kusnyár, Anna Tardi, Miklós Bodor, Márton Bodor, Máté Tulipán, Réka Kolonics, Laura Baróthy, Zsolt Kerner, Mihály Olteanu, Melinda Sipos, Katalin Tomay, Dávid Ikafalvi-Farkas, Tamás Bódis, Judit Grünfelder, Dávid Kulcsár, Norbert Pintér

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